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Lot No.
Chiefly Taiaha. The taiaha is a traditional Maori weapon usually between five to six feet (1.5 to 1.8 m) in length. It is a wooden close-quarters weapon used for short sharp strikes or stabbing thrusts. It has three main parts. The arero (tongue) used for stabbing the opponent and parrying. The upoko (head) the base from which the tongue protrudes and ate (liver) the long flat blade used for striking and parrying. Mau rakau is the martial art that teaches the use of the taiaha and other Maori weapons in combat. As with other martial arts students spend years mastering the skills of timing balance and co-ordination necessary to wield the weapon effectively. The weapon is also widely known due to its use in the wero the traditional Maori challenge. The upoko in this example is adorned with a tauri (collar) of muka bound material decorated with traditional feathers which leads to the tassels of which form the awe. The taiaha was a prestigious act which reflected the status and mana of the chief whom this taiaha once belonged. Length 170 cm. Width 8.8 cm. Y Registration pending
Tribal: New Zealand Maori