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Books (12), World War II & World War II in Europe. 'Stalingrad,' Antony Beevor (1999), Penguin books; 'Enigma, the Battle For the Code,' Hugh Sebag - Montefiore (2005), the Folio Society London (in a slip case); 'Albert Speer, His Battle with Truth,' Gitta Sereny (1995), Macmillan; 'Hitler's Gift, the True Story of the Scientists Expelled By the Nazi Regime,' Jean Medawar & David Pyke, arcade Publishing Inc, New York; 'Gestapo,' Rupert Butler (1988), arrow books; 'Kokoda,' Paul Ham (2005), Harper Collins, signed by the author; 'The Attack on Pearl Harbour An Illustrated History,' Larry Kimmett & Margaret Regis (2004), Nav Publishing; 'Commando to Colditz- Micky Martin and the Raid on St Nazaire,' Peter Stanley (2009), pier 9 (Murdoch books Pty Ltd;,'Troop Leader, a Tank Commander's Story,' bill Bellamy (2005), Sutton Publishing; 'Thank God For the Infantry, From D Day to Ve Day,' John Lincoln (1994), Alan Sutton Publishing Ltd; 'Still Action, the War Photography of Damien Parer,' Neil McDonald (1995) orange Regional gallery; & 'Damien Parer, Cameraman,' Niall Brennan (1994), Melbourne University press. Collection Dr John Raven, Perth.
Furniture: Cabinets - Display