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Articles on this Sale

Auction House:Gibson's Auctioneers & ValuersNumber of lots recorded:466
Sale Title:The Collection of Dr. Robert WilsonLots with images:454
Auction Location:MelbournePrices available:395
Books: Leather-bound 'Rapports du Jury International - L'Amerique Centrale et L'Amerique Meridionale' by Martin de Moussy [1867];A Rimmel, Eugene. 'Recollections of the Paris Exhibition of 1867'. [1868]. Octavo publisher's green cloth decorated in gilt; 340,[4],xvi [adverts]pp, wood engraved illustrations throughout; 'Vues de L'Exposition' long hard-cover folio of views by Prior (mostly 9.5 x 31 cm) in red binding. Leather-bound 'Rapports du Jury International - L'Amerique Centrale et L'Amerique…
Four linen bound Volumes and an Album Monod, E. (Emile). 'L'Exposition universelle de 1889 : grand ouvrage illustre, historique, encyclopedique, descriptif, 1890'Monod, E. (Emile). 'L'Exposition universelle de 1889 : grand ouvrage illustre, historique, encyclopedique, descriptif, 1890' Monod, E. (Emile). 'L'Exposition universelle de 1889 : grand ouvrage illustre, historique, encyclopedique, descriptif, 1890' [Paris, France]; in 4 linen bound Volumes and 1 album containing approximately 70 black and white…
Four linen bound Volumes and an Album Monod, E. (Emile). 'L'Exposition universelle de 1889 : grand ouvrage illustre, historique, encyclopedique, descriptif, 1890'Monod, E. (Emile). 'L'Exposition universelle de 1889 : grand ouvrage illustre, historique, encyclopedique, descriptif, 1890' Monod, E. (Emile). 'L'Exposition universelle de 1889 : grand ouvrage illustre, historique, encyclopedique, descriptif, 1890' [Paris, France]; in 4 linen bound Volumes and 1 album containing approximately 70 black and white…
Four linen bound Volumes and an Album Monod, E. (Emile). 'L'Exposition universelle de 1889 : grand ouvrage illustre, historique, encyclopedique, descriptif, 1890'Monod, E. (Emile). 'L'Exposition universelle de 1889 : grand ouvrage illustre, historique, encyclopedique, descriptif, 1890' Monod, E. (Emile). 'L'Exposition universelle de 1889 : grand ouvrage illustre, historique, encyclopedique, descriptif, 1890' [Paris, France]; in 4 linen bound Volumes and 1 album containing approximately 70 black and white…
A small folio of approximately eighty illustrations of various buildings and pavilions built on the occasion of the 1889 Paris exhibition. 'Les constructions françaises et etrangeres à l?Exposition Universelle de 1889. Pavillons - Edicules - Portes monumentales - Etc.' Edited in Paris by Andre Daly, 1890. 28 pp A small folio of approximately eighty illustrations of various buildings and pavilions built on the occasion of the exhibition including the buildings of Charles Garnier for the exhibition 'History…
Three leather bouind volumes 'Album De L'exposition Universelle Dedie A S. A. I. Le Prince Napoleon' Brisse, Le Baron Leon. 'Album De L'exposition Universelle Dedie A S. A. I. Le Prince Napoleon. Tomes 1-3', edited 1856-1859. 3 leather bound volumes
1492-1892'[Union News Co., New York 1893] 12pg. accordian fold-out; hardback red with gilt & black. Overview of Exposition, buildings, 2 page aerial view of Chicago, with map of Jackson Park to rear pastedown. Also, Memorial Volume: Dedicatory and Opening Ceremonies of the World's Columbian Exposition. Historical and Descriptive as Authorized by Board of Control.[Stone, Kastler & Painter; Chicago 1893] - hardcover, blac... Souvenir Book: 'World's Columbian Exposition at Chicago 1893: 1492-1892' [Union News…
Westcott, Thompson: 'Centennial Portfolio - 1876 - A Souvenir of the International Exhibition at Philadelphia Comprising Lithographic Views of Fifty of its Principlal Buildings, with Letter-press Description.' [Thomas Hunter, Philadelphia 1876] - oblong quarto, bound in original reddish brown cloth covered boards with gilt and black decoration; with tinted colour plates. First Edition.
Two leather bound volumes Rousselet, Louis 'L?Exposition Universelle de 1889' Rousselet, Louis 'L?Exposition Universelle de 1889' [Paris, Librairie Hachette et Cie] 1901. 318 pages. 2 volumes together with 'Exposition Universelle Paris 1889 Catalogue Complet des Recompenses' [Paris, Imprinterie D. Dumoulin et Co.'] 328 pp
Elliott, Maud Howe: 'Art And Handicraft In The Woman's Building Of The World's Columbian Exposition. Chicago, 1893'. [Rand, McNally & Company, Chicago and New York 1894] - 320pp. Olive green cloth, gilt and silver elaborate stamping to spine and front board, beveled edges. 'Official Edition'.
Eighty booklets leather bound in 2 volumes 'L'Exposition de Paris (1889) publiee avec la collaboration d'ecrivains speciaux. Edition enrichie de vues, de scenes, de reproductions d'objets d'art, de machines, de dessins et gravures par les meilleurs artistes' 'L'Exposition de Paris (1889) publiee avec la collaboration d'ecrivains speciaux. Edition enrichie de vues, de scenes, de reproductions d'objets d'art, de machines, de dessins et gravures par les meilleurs artistes' 80 booklets leather bound in 2…
Twelve volumes of 'The Artist An illustrated monthly Record of Arts, Crafts and Industries' 'The Artist An illustrated monthly Record of Arts, Crafts and Industries' [Archibald Constable and Company, London] Vol. XXI - Xxxiii in 12 part leather bound volumes
Three volumes of 'The Masterpieces of The Centennial International Exhibition Illustrated' 'The Masterpieces of The Centennial International Exhibition Illustrated' by Edward Strahan, Walter Smith and Joseph M. Wilson. 3 volumes [Gebbie & Barrie, Philadelphia, USA 1876] together with 'The great Centennial Exhibition. Critically Described and Illustrated by Sandhurst, Phillip T., Et al. [P.W. Ziegler, Philadelphia & Chicago, 1876] 544 pp
Six volumes of 'Livre d'Or de l'Exposition de Paris 1889' by Huard, C.L. Huard, C.L. 'Livre d'Or de l'Exposition de Paris 1889'edited by Boulanger, L [Paris]
Two leather bound volumes of 'L'Album de l'Exposition 1889' by Glucq Glucq 'L'Album de l'Exposition 1889' [Ch. Gaulon, Paris] 100 captioned photographic plates. 2 volumes together with 'Le Courrier de l'Exposition Illustre - Edition speciale du 'Matin' No. 1 (April 7, 1889) to No. 30 (October 27, 1889)' Numerous illustrations, each issue includes a 'supplement' of 4 pages with many commercials and wood engravings
Three volumes of 'Revue de l'Exposition Universelle de 1889 by Dumas, F.G. et L. de Fourcaud Dumas, F.G. et L. de Fourcaud 'Revue de l'Exposition Universelle de 1889' 3 volumes together with 2 volumes of Revue Illustree
Three volumes of publications relating to the The Universal Exhibition of Paris, 1889 Various publications comprising 'Exhibition Universelle 1889, Les Beaux-Arts et les Art Decoratifs' by Gonse, Louis and De Lostalot, Alfred, 'Illustrirtes Pracht-Album der Welfausstellung Paris' by Hubert, Eduart and 'The Universal Exhibition of Paris 1889' bu Stiassny, W and Rasetti, E. 3 Volumes
Five volumes of Chefs d'oeuvre of the Exposition Universelle 1900, parts 1-25 Champier, Victor, Walton, W and Saglio, A 'Chefs d'oeuvre of the Exposition Universelle 1900' [Philadelphia : G. Barrie and son, 1900]. 5 volumes
Exhibition & Exposition souvenir folders, booklets, illustrated souvenirs, etc. A collection from 1867 Paris, 1889 Paris, St.Louis 1904, Geneva 1896, Paris 1900, Liege 1905, Bruxelles 1910, Panama-Pacific 1915, Anvers 1930, Liege 1930. (12 different).
Two volumes of 'L'Exposition De Paris (1900), Publiee Avec La Collaboration D'ecrivains Speciaux et Des Meilleurs Artistes' 'L'Exposition De Paris (1900), Publiee Avec La Collaboration D'ecrivains Speciaux et Des Meilleurs Artistes' Published by Librairie Illustree, Montgredien et Cie, Editeurs, Paris. 2 volumes together with 'Livre D'Or de L'Exposition de 1900'
'The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments, with Explanatory. Notes, References, and a Condensed Concordance' [Cassell, Petter and Galpin, London]
'The Illustrated Exhibitor, A Tribute To The World's Industrial Jubilee; Comprising Sketches, By Pen And Pencil, Of The Principal Objects In The Great Exhibition of the Industry of all Nations, 1851' [John Cassell, London 1851] 10 folding wood-engraved plates (incl. frontis.) and numerous wood-engraved text illustrations
'The Great Exhibition of the World's Industry, Held in London in 1851: Described and Illustrated By Beautiful Steel Engravings, From Daguerreotypes By Beard, Mayall, Etc., Etc.,' [John Tallis Company, London, 1852] Volumes I-VI of a set of 8 together with 'The First Report of the Commissioners for the Exhibition of 1851, to the Right Hon. Spencer Horatio Walpole, &C. &C' [W. Clowes & Sons, London, 1852] and 'Le Palais de Cristal. Journal illustre de l'exposition de 1851 et des progres de l'industrie…
'Les Merveilles de L'Exposition Universelle de 1867 - Arts - Industries. Bronzes, Meubles, Orfevrerie, Porcelaines, Faïences, Cristaux, Bijoux, Dentelles, Soieries, Tissus de Toutes sortes, Papiers Peints, Tapisseries, Tapis, Glaces, etc. Tôme I -Tôme second' 2 parts bound in 1 volume, 243 pp; 240 pp together with 'L'Exposition Universelle de 1867 illustree'
'Les Merveilles de L'Exposition Universelle de 1867 - Arts - Industries. Bronzes, Meubles, Orfevrerie, Porcelaines, Faïences, Cristaux, Bijoux, Dentelles, Soieries, Tissus de Toutes sortes, Papiers Peints, Tapisseries, Tapis, Glaces, etc. Tôme I -Tôme second' 2 parts bound in 1 volume, 243 pp; 240 pp
'The Chefs-D'Oeuvre D'Art of the International Exhibition, 1878' Strahan, Edward [George Barrie, Philadelphia 1878] and a bound folio of approximately 48 etching from The Exposition Universelle 1878
London Exhibitions: The Crystal Palace, Sydenham 1854: 'Nelsons' Pictorial Guide-Book' accompanying a set of 12 coloured images of Interiors; also, Nelson's 'Views of the Interior' from the 1862 Exhibition together with a silk embroidered souvener of the the 1862 Exhibition. Finally, 4 cabinet card sized interior photographs by William England from the 1873 International Exhibition.
'Plan General et Complet de L'Exposition Universelle 1878' by Logerot & edited by Gaultier; folded to 16 x 10.5 cm (hard cover) but opens to 42 x 102 cm. Also, 'Nouveau Guide Pratique dans Paris et a L'Exposition' [Garnier Freres] and 'Les Merveilles de L'Exposition de 1878' [Libraire Contemporaine, 1879] and the large format L'Exposition Universelle 1878 Illustree' [Calmann Levy]
'L'Exposition de 1900 - Photographies et Aquarelles de ses principaux monuments' [L'Univers Illustre, Paris] hardcover, 30 x 38 cm; a small h/c folder of images, 14 x 19.5 cm with attractive red, black & gold front cover; and hard cover 'Colonies et Pays de Protectorats - Madagascar' by Charles-Roux. (3 items). Various publications, comprising a small hard cover folder of images, 14 x 19.5 cm with attractive red, black & gold front cover; and two hard cover 'Colonies et Pays de Protectorats - Madagascar'…
'Album of the Paris Exhibition 1889 published by Allen & Ginter, Richmond, Virginia' superb colour lithographic publication by the tobacco company usually associated with cigarette cards; also, colour lithographic advertising cards (16), a small collection of decoupage cut-outs (10); a menu card for the Banquest of the Mayors of France; and an invitation to a banquet at the Exposition
volumes relating to the The World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago A collection of volumes, pamphlets and souvenirs relating to the The World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago and other American Expositions including White, Trumbull & Ingleheart, Wm. 'The World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago 1893...A Complete History of the Enterprise; a Full Description of the Buildings and Exhibits in All Departments; and a Short Account of Previous Expositions... Fully Illustrated with half-tone and wood engravings, and…
Leon, Paul. 'Rapport General - Section Artistique et Technique - Classe 1 - Volume 2 Architecture' [Librairie Larousse, Paris, 1928] attractive half-leather binding. Also, a small guidebook, mainly photographic depicting the main buildings. (2 items).
silk, G Marler North Terrace, Adelaide, Artist Unknown The Melbourne Exhibition, Artist Unknown Portrait print Exposition Universelle de 1900, Porte Monumentale engraving on silk; 32 x 19 cm G Marler North Terrace, Adelaide; etching signed and titled on margin 10 x 14.5 cm Artist Unknown The Melbourne Exhibition, photograph, 14.5 x 20 cm Artist Unknown Portrait, print, 36 x 29 cm
33 tinted lithographs from Westcott, Thompson. Centennial Portfolio: a Souvenir of the International Exhibition at Philadelphia.... [Philadelphia: T. Hunter, 1876.] together with the title page. Also, Lippincott's 'Authorized Visitors Guide to the Centennial Exhibition and Philadelphia 1876' with the large folding map.
'Grand album de l'exposition universelle 1867' [Michel Levy Freres, Paris, 1867] 127 pp. containing approximately 150 steel engraved prints together with 'Exposition Universelle de 1867 Paris Commission Imperiale et Jury International' and 'Exposition Universelle de 1867 a Paris Catalogue Officiel des Exposants Re'compense's par le Jury International'
Five volumes relating to the The Universal Exhibition of Paris, 1900 Various publications comprising 'Le Livre d?Or de l?Exposition de 1900' [edouard Cornely, Paris, 1900], 'L'Art de L'Exposition Universelle de 1900' by Babelon, Ernest, 'Exposition Universelle Paris 1900', 'L'Exposition Universelle de 1900' by A. Bertrand and 'En 1900' by Paul Gers
Nineteen volumes of 'The Magazine of Art' Volumes 1-19 'The Magazine of Art' [Cassell and Company, Limited, London] Volumes 1-19 (1878-1896) Volumes II and III leather bound gilt letters on spine and front cover and the remainder tan embossed cloth with bevelled boards, gilt letters on spine and front cover. Numerous black and white line engravings. together with Volume XXII and 'The Magazine of Art' periodical August 1892
Complete set of three volumes of 'L'Exposition De Paris (1900), Publiee Avec La Collaboration D'ecrivains Speciaux et Des Meilleurs Artistes' 'L'Exposition De Paris (1900), Publiee Avec La Collaboration D'ecrivains Speciaux et Des Meilleurs Artistes' Published by Librairie Illustree, Montgredien et Cie, Editeurs, Paris. Complete set of 3 volumes. Richly illustrated with photos, reproductions, maps and plans as well as large folding planks enhanced and signed by Robida, Redon, Courboin, Toussaint, etc.…
Complete set of three volumes of 'L'Exposition De Paris (1900), Publiee Avec La Collaboration D'ecrivains Speciaux et Des Meilleurs Artistes' 'L'Exposition De Paris (1900), Publiee Avec La Collaboration D'ecrivains Speciaux et Des Meilleurs Artistes' Published by Librairie Illustree, Montgredien et Cie, Editeurs, Paris. Complete set of 3 volumes. Richly illustrated with photos, reproductions, maps and plans as well as large folding planks enhanced and signed by Robida, Redon, Courboin, Toussaint, etc.…