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Lot No.
Original Photograph (13.5 x 8.5 cm) of Lieutenant Hugo Throssell Vc 10th Australian Light Horse, Throssell Arrived in Gallipoli on 4th August 1915 and Took Part in the Charge at the Nek Where the 8th and 10th Australian Regiments were Decimated by Turkish Forces, He shortly afterwards fought at Hill 60 and was awarded the Victoria Cross, His citation reads 'On 29-30 August 1915 at Kaiakij Aghala (Hill 60), Gallipoli, Turkey, second Lieutenant Throssell, although severely wounded in several places, refused to leave his post during a counter-attack or to obtain medical assistance until all danger was passed, when he had his wounds dressed and returned to the firing line until ordered out of action by the Medical Officer, By his personal courage and example he kept up the spirits of his party and was largely instrumental in saving the situation at a critical period'