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Lieutenant McCLUER Visits the Pelew Islands (Palau): the London Chronicle Sept. 1-3, 3-6 & 13-15, 1791, These editions carry extensive coverage of this visit. In August 1790, when he was 31 years old, McCluer was sent to the Pelew (Palau) Islands in the Panther, accompanied by the Endeavour, commanded by Lieutenant William Drummond, to inform the King of the death in London of his son Lee Boo, who had been brought to England by Captain Henry Wilson, whose vessel the Antelope had been wrecked on the Pelew Islands. One of McCluer's officers was John Wedgbrough, who was serving in the Antelope when she was wrecked. The Pelew Islands lie in what is known as the Caroline Group in the Western Pacific Ocean. They continued their planned journey after this visit, charting large parts of Timor, New Guinea and the north coast of Australia. (3 editions).