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Lot No.
A good 'Dragonfly' stoneware bottle vase by Mitsuo Shoji (Japanese/Australian 1946-), circa 1979 with incised decoration and a white slip glaze, 27.5 cm high. Exhibitions: Represented at Lesley Kehoe Galleries Public collections of AGWA, QAG, V&A TAS, NGA, NGV, MAAS, NAG, MAG to name a few, as well as international representation in Japan, Seoul, Italy, NZ, Finland and the USA other notes: Mitsuo Shoji studied at the Art Institute of Osaka city Museum and Nakanoshima school of arts, Osaka, Japan from 1965-1967 then completed a Bachelor of arts, school Teaching certificate at Kyoto city University of fine arts, Japan in 1971 and a master of fine arts in 1973. He then took up positions at the Caulfield Institute of Technology from 1973-1974, East Sydney Technical College in 1975 and California state University, San Jose, in 1977. Returning to Australia in 1978, he worked as a senior lecturer at Sydney College of the Arts, University of Sydney, until his retirement in 2007. Writer Judith Pearce
Ceramics: Australian Themes & Other Makers