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Lot No.
An antique Islamic Indo-Persian illuminated manuscript page, 19th century. One loose folio with recto, finely illustrated with images of two hornbills. Ink and opaque watercolour on paper, mounted in lucite panel. 34.8 x 18.4 cm. Note: The text is written in both Arabic and Farsi; in red are verses from the Quran in Arabic, in black are the translation and interpretation of the verses in Farsi. On the side illustrated with the hornbills in red contain verses 100-102 of Surat Al-Nahl (The Bee) of the Quran. The practice of juxtaposing calligraphed poetry and paintings was not uncommon and saw a rise from 15th century works collected in albums in the Persianate and Islamic world. Sometimes the text and images are contemporary, sometimes images are added later. Sometimes there is a relationship between the content of the test and the images, sometimes not, as in this case. Provenance: Private collection, Melbourne. Former estate collection of Dr.W.M.Bogdanowicz (1936-2017), Neurosurgeon, Madison, Wisconsin, USA.