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Lot No.
Collection including 'The story of the Davis Cup' by Wallis Myers [London, 1913]; 'How to Play Tennis' by Harry Hopman [Melbourne, 1937]; 'The Davis cup Story' [Sydney, 1947]; postcards (19) 2 signed by Evonne Goolagong-Cawley & Martina Hingis; signed covers (8) comprising rod Laver, Margaret court, Lleyton Hewitt, Todd Woodbridge & mark Woodforde, John McEnroe, Monica Seles, mark Philippoussis, also squash champion Heather McKay, FDCs (2); trade cards (2); ephemera 'Tennis Coach'; poster '1933 Victorian Championships, Dunlop Perdriau tennis balls used Exclusively' with images of Jack Crawford V Fred Perry match at Kooyong, size 19 x 101 cm; vintage brass bookend. (quantity 37 items)
Art: Prints - Posters