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Lot No.
H.M.S. Cossack: Album of 19th century silver gelatin photographs tracing the voyage of the Cossack from Sydney to Melbourne, Hobart, Fiji & on to England. Many photos captioned & pages adorned with superb cartoon caricatures & dated 1873. The Cossack was originally commissioned by the Russian Navy but was commandeered at the start of the Crimean War by the British & she was sent into battle at Fort Gotland in 1855. She then went on to serve in the Cape Colony, China Station, New Zealand & the Australia Station. The Cossack was instrumental in the fight against 'Blackbirding' in the South Seas & the court-martial of Dr. James Patrick Murray of the 'Carl' for murdering 70 Islanders was conducted onboard. Of note are a series of photographs of Levuka Fiji. (59 photographs)