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Lot No.
Papers Explanatory of the Charges Brought Against Lieut. Gen. Darling By William Charles Wentworth, Esq Published by The House of Commons, London, July 1830. 60pp. Folio, in recent binding. An extremely fine fresh copy. British Parliamentary Paper HC586. Ferguson 1355. Wentworth, an outspoken emancipist sought to impeach Governor Darling, principally over the Sudds incident. In this Parliamentary Paper the Colonial Secretary presented correspondence on the Wentworth-Darling affair but with the omission of a key document, Wentworth's letter laying out his case for impeachment. The report therefore presented all relevant correspondence whilst omitting the case for impeachment that formed the crux of the whole affair. Parliamentary papers of this period are rare as it was not until 1835 that such papers were available for public sale. The Davidson example sold for $1280 in 2006.
Printed & Written Material: Historical Documents